NAME pg_archive_wal_segment - archive a completed PostgreSQL WAL segment SYNOPSIS pg_archive_wal_segment -V pg_archive_wal_segment SOURCE-FILE DESTINATION-FILE DESCRIPTION pg_archive_wal_segment was explicitly designed to be used as Post‐ greSQL's archive_command. pg_archive_wal_segment copies one SOURCE-FILE (a completed PostgreSQL WAL segment) to one DESTINATION-FILE. It ensures that the destination file does not already exist when copying begins, and tries hard not to report success erroneously. The destination file's permission bits are set to 0644, so that slave servers might pick up WAL segment data regardless of potential UID/GID mismatches between hosts that may arise in conjunction with network file systems. A compile-time option, _TIMEOUTSEC, designates the maximum number of seconds that may be spent copying SOURCE-FILE into DESTINATION-FILE. By default, it is set to 30 (seconds), which is considered plenty of time given that WAL-files are (usually) 16MiB in size. To disable this safeguard, override the definition of this constant to 0 when building pg_archive_wal_segment. It is strongly recommended to make pg_archive_wal_segment read from and write to host-local filesystems that implement full POSIX seman‐ tics. INVOCATION pg_archive_wal_segment does not accept any options (other than -V for reporting its version) and is not very useful when executed from an user's shell. In order to use it as intended, copy pg_ar‐ chive_wal_segment to (e. g.) /usr/local/bin/pg_archive_wal_segment, mark it executable using chmod(1), and add the following stanza to your postgresql.conf (assuming your WAL archive is supposed to be located in a directory named /example/wal/archive/): archive_command = '/usr/local/bin/pg_archive_wal_segment %p /example/wal/archive/%f' SEE ALSO BUGS No known bugs. NON-BUGS The program exits unsuccessfully when reporting its version; this is intentional. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c)2014-2016 Johannes Truschnigg , dedicated to Isabella Eicher. This work is licensed under The MIT License (MIT) - see COPYING for details.